Angela Malik-Agarwal
Angela Malik-Agarwal is the CEO and Founder of Planet Nourish, a digital healthcare company using AI powered solutions to link, for the first time, heritage and health. Planet Nourish is transforming the treatment of diet-related conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and obesity in underserved populations of colour, using technology to deliver ethnically tailored and culturally specific behaviour change programmes. Its vision is equitable healthcare for all with a goal of 50 million people of colour across 5 continents in remission by 2030.
Planet Nourish launched its first product digital behaviour change programme to manage Type 2 Diabetes in South Asians in September 2021 via tie-ups with GP surgeries and pharmacies. Its patient outcomes in six months have beaten the NHS and other competitors with over 60% of our users losing 5% of body weight and reducing blood sugar in 12 weeks. Planet Nourish is currently raising £250K-500k in a pre-seed round to build the tech stack and scale up programme delivery.
A chartered accountant (KPMG), MBA (Imperial College London), trained chef (Leiths School of Food & Wine) and business venturer, Angela's roles include culinary educator, social innovator and board advisor with companies such as Tesco, Mitie and Guys & St Thomas’s Charity. She is a Board Member of the Mayor of London's Food Board and Committee Member of Imperial College Women's Network.