Chen Mao Davies
Dr Chen Mao Davies is an Oscar and BAFTA winning R&D specialist turned entrepreneur, driven by her first-hand struggles with breastfeeding and parenthood to found Anya Health. Chen is a prestigious NHS Innovation Accelerator fellow and Innovate UK "Women in Innovation" winner and was awarded a purple plaque by the UK government to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. Chen holds a PhD in Computer Graphics and has over 15 years R&D experience in academia and industry. She spent 10 years creating Oscar & BAFTA award-winning visual effects for blockbuster films including Gravity and Blade Runner 2049 and a number of Disney, Marvel Studio, and Warner Brothers movies. Her life course changed completely after she became a mother and experienced tremendous breastfeeding challenges. Struggling to achieve a good latch, she suffered from breast infections, baby's weight loss, and postpartum depression. Her experience motivated her to found Anya Health in 2018 to revolutionise breastfeeding and motherhood support using innovation and empathy.