Jacqueline de Rojas CBE
Jacqueline de Rojas CBE is the president of techUK, president of Digital Leaders and co-chair of the Institute of Coding. She sits as a Non-Executive Director on the board of UK technology business Rightmove plc; on the board of Costain plc, which is committed to solving the nation's Infrastructure problems; and was also appointed to the board of FDM Group plc. Passionate about diversity & Inclusion, she holds advisory positions at @accelerate-Her and the @girlguiding association.
In 2016 she entered the ComputerWeekly Hall of Fame after being voted Most Influential Woman in UK IT ; listed on Debretts 2016 500 People of Influence: named Europe's most inspiring female role model 2017; presented with the 2017 Catherine Variety award - Science & Technology and the 2018 Women in Tech - Advocate of the Year Award acknowledging her contribution to diversity; honoured with the 2019 Asian Woman of Achievement - Digital & Technology. Jacqueline was awarded CBE for Services to International Trade in Technology in the Queen's New Year Honours list 2018.