Leon Baruah
Dr Leon Baruah is Founder & Managing Director of Viridian Logic, a novel hydrology and environment tech start-up. Viridian Logic produces geospatial recommendations for clients who wish to optimally plant habitats to mitigate environmental problems that impact river catchments, such as flooding, erosion, and diffuse pollution. Viridian Logic won the New Product, Service or Technology Award at the Sustainability Impact Awards 2020, run by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. An astrophysicist, Leon was a postgraduate student at the University of Sussex and is an Enterprise Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE), where he used his data analysis skills to calculate where to plant trees and create habitats in order to reduce the risk of flooding in landscapes. Leon holds a Masters degree in Astrophysics from the University of Liverpool, an MSc in Cosmology and a PhD in Observational Cosmology (with the Dark Energy Survey) from the University of Sussex. He also volunteers for MapAction, a humanitarian disaster relief charity, developing and using information management and mapping technologies to aid in rapid onset humanitarian emergencies.