Mihir Sheth
Mihir Sheth the Co-Founder & CEO of Inspiritus Health that has developed a simple to use, non-invasive medical device that keeps patients' muscles engaged when they are on a ventilator to prevent muscle atrophy. As Oxford Global Insight Fellows, Mihir and his co-founder Dr. Myra Malik spent a month in a district hospital in Senegal to get a better understanding of their needs. Mihir has worked in medical device development across 4 continents, and is currently also an Innovation Fellow at Oxford University Hospital, co-developing solutions along with healthcare professionals to ease the burden on the NHS staff. He also conducts research at Oxford University to use a nanobubbles filled drink to improve oxygen delivery to patients with Chronic Respiratory diseases. As the first employee of a US-based medical device startup, he gained a lot of experience in taking a device from prototype to market. In 2022, Mihir won the Young Innovator Award and a £5K grant, presented by Innovate UK and the Prince's Trust, recognising young people with the potential to become successful entrepreneurs and future leaders in innovation.