Robin Bargar
Professor Robin Bargar has a creative and research background in computer music and sound synthesis, interactive media and virtual reality, including software development and systems integration for cross-media applications. In 2015 Robin joined University of Salford as founding Executive Director of the Studio for International Media & Technology at MediaCityUK, with a joint appointment as Professor in the School of Arts & Media and the School of Computing Sciences & Engineering. He was recently named Director of the University’s Digital and Creative Industry Collaboration Zone.
From 2011 to 2015 Robin was Dean of the School of Media Arts and Professor of Interactive Arts and Media at Columbia College Chicago. Prior to that, he was Dean of the School of Technology and Design and Professor of Entertainment Technology at City Tech, the College of Technology of the City University of New York from 2004 -2010. Trained as a composer and filmmaker, Robin was awarded a Doctor of Musical Arts from the School of Music, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with related studies in computer graphics and computer science.