Shashank Kansal
Shashank Kansal is one of the internet pioneers who started an ISP business in the mid 1990s and has since created many successful startups in telecoms, technology, outsourcing and mobility over the decades. He is founder of AA Venture Lab and an active angel investor in HealthTech, EdTech and Mobility scaleups and startups.
He has a wealth of growth, sales, product development and product positioning experience. His successful track record ranges from Startup companies, Fortune 500 companies and NYSE/Nasdaq listed companies including IQVIA (clinical research), GSK (Vaccines and Pharma Manufacturing), TechMahindra (Technology) and others. He is a mentor at The Princes Trust, Enterprise Ambassador at Queen Mary College, Chair of the Board of Trustees at The British Academy along with other Board engagements. Shashank has executive education from Harvard Business School in Launching New Ventures.