TechXChange ‘Opportunities for Indian Tech Businesses in the UK’

TechXChange, which acts as a platform for India & UK Startup Ecosystems to interact for mutual benefits hosted its first plenary session on ‘Opportunities for Indian Tech Businesses in the UK’ on 8 March 2024 at Level 39, Canary Wharf, London. A flagship initiative of the High Commission of India and partners, in this edition more than 10 Indian startups attended including Carbon Trail, CogniTensor, PinnacleWorks Infotech (P) Ltd, Chara Technologies and Savart. The event was opened by Sujit Ghosh, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of India to the UK, and Shreeranjani Kanagavel, Second Secretary (Economic), High Commission of India to the UK with guests also hearing from Lord Kulveer Ranger.
Supported by industry partners HCL Tech and ICICI Bank; knowledge partners, IIMA Ventures and ecosystem partners, Level 39, Technoplat and Tech Tuesdays UK, guests heard from Dr Param Shah, Director of FICCI UK (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry); founders of the TechXchange 2024 cohort of companies; Chintan Antani, Vice President- Seed & Acceleration, IIMA Ventures and from a panel discussion hosted by Ms Priya Guha MBE, Venture Partner, Merian Ventures with Alpesh Patel OBE, Global Entrepreneur Programme Dealmaker for the UK Department for Business & Trade; Pat Saini, Partner at Pennington Manches who specialises in immigration, private wealth and technology and Amy French, Director, Level39 and Karen McKuskie, Deputy Director Technology at the UK Department of Business & Trade.
The panel explored potential partnerships that could be catalysed, unearthed opportunities in the UK market, and ignited innovative collaborations.
About techXchange
techXchange is a flagship initiative by FICCI and High Commission of India in the UK, intended to build a strong system for nurturing innovation and Startups between India and UK. ‘techXchange 2018’ was launched by the High Commissioner of India to the UK in June 2018.
techXchange as a programme aims to promote, encourage and provide exposure to Indian Startups at a global marketplace. The idea is to build a global Startup community by connecting Startups from across India to internationally renowned businessmen, investors, decision makers, partners, venture capitalists and more. It also helps the Startup ecosystem stakeholders from India to interact and learn from their counterparts.
It is a joint initiative of the FICCI UK and High Commission of India in the UK, and supported by the various leading UK government agencies, UK industry associations. During the previous editions the program has been supported by the British High Commission in India, British Deputy High Commission Western India, and several Partners viz. CIIE at IIMA, IAN (Indian Angel Network), Gujarat Government, iNDEXTb, to mention a few.
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